Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Definitely been a minute

Oh goodness. It has definitely been a minute since I've had time to do an update here. Oh man, where do I even begin.

As always I am extremely busy. I'm full force into my job. It's the hardest job I have ever had, I had NO idea what it takes to work in a staffing agency. It is so much work, at least for what I do. When I was hired I started as an operations support specialist. I handled back office work and paperwork. I have been officially offered a promotion. I've been transitioning into a Staffing Associate. Which is basically everything I was doing prior, but more. Like the great Billy Mays said "But wait there's more!" The easiest way I can some this up is I find people jobs that are temp-to hire and they are our employees. I process all their paperwork, I do their payroll, counsel them appropriately for issues. It's very time consuming and there is literally no down time.

Our regional manager was in the office last week and I had the meeting with her. They are ready to draft my paperwork and I may be going out of town for some training seminars. The girl that I work with who I was hired to help just became pregnant. So everyone is kinda gearing up to shape me into another her so I can run the client when she is gone. This client is one of the largest AppleOne supports and is the biggest of our branch. It is a really big deal. The next 8 months are going to be rough because I am going to be in even more of an overdrive. They need me to be ready and to be prepared in case she decides not to come back. She has been supporting this client for the last 5 years. It is extremely scary to think about and its intimidating. She as well got a promotion but will still be supporting me and doing a little bit more, but I have essentially currently taken over her previous role. My manager, this girl, and our regional all agreed that I am ready.

I am scared but I am determined. Sometimes being the only one working is so hard, not financially but mentally. I am raising a child and I am putting my husband through college literally everything rests on my shoulders. Bobby just started his spring semester and things are back to being a little more difficult for me. I have to make sure I am home by 4:30 so he can go to school. But it does mean that I will have a little more me time after work because Troy goes to bed around 7-8. I almost forgot that I got Bobby's sister a job and since she doesn't drive so I will be driving her to work. Sometimes I feel like I am stretching myself so thin but I don't have a choice. This means that I will have to get up even earlier to get her, bring her to work and then get myself to work. Man, thinking about this makes me want to cry, hah.

Bobby is going to be watching his sister's kids for her during the day while she is at work and she is going to pay him each week rather than going through child action. The extra money will be nice, I just hope that we are not signing ourselves up for more than we can handle. At the end of the day my willingness to help people will always come out even if its at my own expense. Its something that I cannot help. It must be my deep down issue with acceptance. I am a people pleaser, which often makes me a doormat. I don't let people walk all over me or disrespect me, but I will go out of my way to help someone else if it means I will be inconvenienced. I literally cannot help it. I cant say that it makes me feel good, but I probably do it out of guilt to atone for the wrongs I have done in the past.

I am a completely different person that I used to be. I'd like to think for the better. I have matured alot, I have gotten older, I have become a wife, and I have become a mother. All of these things added up has humbled me. I truly believe that people never change but I do believe that people can make themselves better, that is what I have done. So if anyone that is reading this I have ever offended in the past, or done wrong, please know that I am sorry and would not mind hearing from you so I could apologize.

Welp, Troy isn't sleeping and trying to transition him away from the pacifier is not really going so well so, time to go handle this little creature. :)

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