Wednesday, November 4, 2015

So many changes so quickly.

Oh my goodness. So much has gone on since Friday its crazy!

Where to even begin. Well I quit my job. With out getting too far into detail, I decided that my job was no longer a good fit for me and I haven't been happy there in quite some time. I'm sad because over the 2 years I've been there, I have made some amazing friends. There are certain people there who I love that I will remember forever. Even though it's sad and bittersweet there are people there who I'm not saying goodbye to but see you later. One of those people is my dear friend Brenda. Brenda and I started within 2 weeks of each other. We basically worked side by side the entire time we've been there. She is my other mother. She has done so much for me, she's been so kind, and is always there when I need advice or help. Brenda and I will remain friends without a doubt. We even have plans next week! HA

So my new job. Out here there are staffing agencies or "temp agencies". I decided to work with them in finding a new job. Instead of placing me with another company they decided to hire me for their company. It's pretty unheard of that this happens. The opportunity was simply unbeatable and they made me an offer that I cannot refuse. I am going to be a Staffing Associate helping work on one of their biggest projects. I'm pretty humbled and eager to start. I will be making a considerable increase in money. It's going to be lovely. I start this Monday. I am extremely nervous because it is change, but I have to do whats right and best for my family, and this is it.

I started tutoring last weekend and it was a blast. I learned alot. Bobby is also tutoring me as well and he's a very good math teacher. Math is the only thing that I am needing to brush up on. I did extremely well, close to 100% on the rest of my assessments. After a few weeks of math tutoring I'll be golden.

We took Troy trick or treating at the mall this year. Halloween this year was of course a day hat he decided he wasnt going to take a nap so he was absolutely over tired and a hand full to get ready and get to the mall. Once we got to the mall though he was much better. No crying and was content. We stayed for about an hour before we went home. He was tired, we were tired, theres not much someone his age can do trick or treating anyway. Next year though it'll be different.

And last but not least I cut off all my hair. After much thought and many years of long hair, I cut it off. I'm very pleased and very satisfied.

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