Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Happy Wednesday.

Man. Today was so boring dramawise. I had a pretty normal day. Normal for me though, not overall normal. I had plenty of work to do today, and even topping it off, I had a walk in that refused to leave and my boss came and helped me lay the smack down. I'm not really rude, but they sit me up there to be firm. I literally had to tell this woman and her family that I didnt care why she was there, or how far she drove to get there because noone, including me, could help her. Before you think 'Oh man what a bitch". Anyone who applies with CAMTC knows we dont take walk ins. Hell, it's even on our website that we dont, and if you're seriously driving to our office to speak to someone rather than calling, you done fucked up anyway and you know it. Not to mention they sit in the downstairs lobby for an hour and try and come back up and confront me 1-2 more times. But whatever.

On top of my normal day for some reason Michael Keaton came up in conversation with my husband. I had said that when I was younger I wanted Michael Keaton to be my baby daddy when I was little. I then texted my mom some quotes from Johnny Dangerously starring of course, Michael Keaton. I told her I wanted Michael Keaton to be my baby daddy when I was little. My mom replied with "Im ok with that". You know typical mother daughter conversation. I love my my mom though. She's hilarious. She has that serious no nonsense humor. I miss her alot. She lives all the way in NJ. I thought about her alot today. I thought about her and home so much that when filling out some paperwork today I wrote I lived in NJ. Can you guess what's on my mind lol? Clearly my family.

I reached out to a family member recently that I havent spoken to in YEARS. I'm glad that he accepted my friend add and we've actually been exchanging messages for a few days and it's been really great. He and I were pretty close when I was younger. I technically did him wrong in the past and Ive had to live with the guilt on that for quite some time. I had to bite the bullet and try and explain to him what happened and why I did what I did that led to us not speaking for years. I hope hes forgiven me and he said that hes not holding any grudges. Well see if it gets better and I can manage not to mess it up again.

I'm chilling out because I've been like habitually fatigued for weeks and weeks now. I dont know if its because I work so hard or because im a mom, or both. Probably both. I dont have too much to say because I am tired and I know that I need to keep up with this because I said I was going to. Back to relaxing and Daniel Tosh stand up.

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