Monday, July 27, 2015

So today I decided that I was going to give this blogging thing a try. My husband (Bobby), and myself have been doing odd end things on the internet just for fun. He's been editing and uploading videos onto youtube. Our neighbors in the front house, who are some cool ass chicks, have a home business making life like newborn children and one of their main revenues is youtube. They upload videos and people watch them and they get paid for everyone that watches the video.Bobby's Youtube

I work a 7-3:30 schedule which really works in my favor being a mom. I work early and get off early. Without traffic I usually get home right before 4pm. I've worked at the same company since 2013 which is nice just because I like the stability, and the familiarity of my environment. I'm a hard worker so to say my job is easy may not be that accurate. I've always succeeded as well as excelled in every job I've ever had. I'm a good worker. It's just one of my traits. But my job is tedious, and requires alot.

I can't really tell you what exactly my job title is because I do so many different things. An easier question would be what dont I do. But I do currently have 3 main focuses to what I do. I enter in all educational transcripts from applicants, document and calculate the amount of hours they completed at whatever school they attended and update it to their profile in our database. I process and enter in all livescan background checks into their profile in our database, and I am constantly updating MBLEX test scores that are incoming into a spreadsheet that I have made and built from scratch. It has close to 2300 people on it. I cross reference their info to our database to see if they've applied yet and in the even that they have, i update our database and print their results to be filed. Out of all 2300 results around 600 people haven't applied yet, so each day I need to put their info into our database to see if theyve applied yet.

Anyway, today was a pretty annoying Monday. Work wasn't really that interesting. The constant change in work flow from being heavy to scarce is what's annoying to me. Some days I'll be so completely busy where it keeps me busy all day, and others I'm out of work by 10am. I'm not sure whats worse. Being swamped and busy all day, or running out of work and having to look busy the rest of the day because there isn't anything else I can do. Today was that day. I ran out of work early because I didn't get my spreadsheets for the week. Not that it really matters because I finish my spreadsheet of Livescans in a day. After I print them all, staple and ID them, I enter them into the database and give them to "Lucy" to file in their files. But at least it's 1 day of steady work.

One of the best parts of my job is the isolation. I sit up front in reception because we get so many walk ins that need to be turned away, they demanded someone gentle, but firm with a no nonsense attitude sit up front who didnt give into the walk ins and turn them away. I sit by myself all day and get to listen to headphones. For the past few months, I prefer audio books. Since I work full time, and I am a mom, reading is very hard. I literally dont have the time. So i use the 8 hours at work to listen to endless audio books. I've lost count to how many books I've ready since March. It's easily passed 20 at this point. I read 1-2 a week at least. 

I'm currently listening to The Mortal Instruments Series. I simply love it. I am disappointed that the movie strayed so atrociously far from the book, it's no wonder so many people hated the movie that they aren't going to continue the series. The same thing happened with Divergent and Insurgent straying away from the books, but they're still going to make the movies.. I've read online they are making the Mortal Instrument Series into a TV show. What a mess. The cast looks so inappropriate to the characters in the book. The movie at least was pretty spot on with how I pictured them in the books. Anyway, I'm on the 4th book. I started the series last week. I'm only on Chapter 5. It seems like this book will be more into Simon's point of view which I could really do without. Simon isn't that important to need a book heavily on his point of view. More Jace and Clary please!!!!

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